International Women’s Day(IWD) 2024 : Unveil the thrilled History behind it


International Women’s Day(IWD) 2024 arrives with a poignant theme – “The Economy Has a ‘Female Face’.” This year’s celebration not only marks the progress made in women’s rights but spotlights their significant contribution to the global economy.

International Women’s Day (IWD), observed every 8th of March, is more than a date on the calendar; it’s a global chorus echoing the rallying cry for equal rights. It’s a celebration of the diverse tapestry of women’s experiences—embracing faith, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, and disability. This year, the theme ‘The World Needs Feminists’ takes center stage, urging feminists worldwide to join forces in the relentless pursuit of equality.

The History of International Women’s Day (IWD)

In the year 1908, amid deplorable working conditions and widespread exploitation, a formidable assembly of 15,000 women took to the streets of New York. Their resounding protest echoed demands for shorter working hours, improved pay, and the fundamental right to vote.

Following this pivotal event, the Socialist Party of America, in the subsequent year, declared the inception of National Women’s Day as a tribute to these courageous strikers. The significance of this day transcended national boundaries in 1910 when the Socialist International, through a democratic vote, sanctioned the establishment of a Women’s Day dedicated to advocating for suffrage. The inaugural International Women’s Day unfolded in 1911, drawing an awe-inspiring turnout of over a million individuals at rallies across Europe.

Throughout the majority of the 20th century, International Women’s Day garnered acknowledgment and celebration primarily at the grassroots level, serving as a rallying point for those championing social justice. Notably, it wasn’t until 1975, declared as International Women’s Year, that the United Nations officially embraced and designated March 8th as International Women’s Day—a tradition upheld to the present day.

Why International Women’s Day Matters

IWD serves as both a reflection on progress and a stark reminder of the road ahead. Despite substantial gains since 1911, the struggle for complete equality persists. The rights we have today are not foolproof, as evidenced by contemporary challenges:

– Domestic violence, despite legal strides, remains a pervasive issue.
– Reproductive rights continue to be a contentious political battlefield.
– Climate change exacerbates violence against women, revealing a complex interplay between environmental issues and gender-based harm.

IWD is an annual opportunity to underscore the enduring commitment to human rights and to hold governments, businesses, and society accountable for their role in achieving equality.

Progress hasn’t been Equal

While some women may feel shielded from discrimination, it is crucial to acknowledge that others face compounded challenges based on race, disability, or gender identity. IWD serves as a moment of solidarity, recognizing and standing with those who confront systemic barriers to success.

The ‘female face’ in the economy is rewriting the script on work-life balance. It’s not a juggling act; it’s a symphony of priorities. Women are championing flexible work arrangements, demanding parental leave policies, and fostering supportive workplaces. It’s a revolution that not only enhances personal well-being but orchestrates a more harmonious economic melody.

Remembering We’re Not Alone

In the midst of personal experiences and overwhelming headlines, IWD provides a space for reflection. It’s a reminder that the fight for gender equality is a shared endeavor, and even in the face of persistent challenges, millions of women stand together, facing and triumphing over similar battles.

The ‘female face’ in the economy is not just a symbol; it’s the protagonist in a riveting economic saga. As women redefine their roles, it’s a call for societies and businesses to recognize the enchanting contributions of the ‘female face,’ ensuring it becomes an indispensable element in the economic narrative of the 21st century.


International Women’s Day 2024 beckons us to unite, to amplify the call for equality, and to recognize that as long as one woman faces discrimination or oppression, the struggle for human rights continues. It is a day of celebration, reflection, and a powerful reminder that, together, we can surmount the obstacles on the path to a more just and equitable world for all women.


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